I like the trams, they were opened yesterday, their company
is Bibus.
We took the bus to
the busses were also Bibus, we went on the bendy bus, we went on two, one to
get there and one to get back. We were having fun on the discs in the middle
because they turned with the bus when we went round corners.
When we got off the bus we headed straight to the trams
because we wanted to see them starting. We took some photos of the trams when
they were parked at the station waiting to be opened. At 11 o’clock the trams
started up, the church bells rang and everyone got all excited.

We saw trams it was amazing and we went on them, they’re
really fast and I like riding on them especially when we are right behind the
driver because then we can see out the front and see all his gadgets including
his side camera.
We went to a pet shop and saw loads of puppies, there were
ten. They were cute, they were in cages, a lot of them were sleeping like most
dogs but there were two who were on the move, one wanted to be Richards pet and
the other just wanted to get out of the cage with me. We also saw rabbits (who
were very cute, I wanted a few) we also saw fish (who were swimming around
their tank). I liked the mice, rats and gerbils (who were all sleeping). We
went in to get Susie a new basket but couldn’t find what we wanted.
Altogether my day was absolutely amazing